Instructions for Renal and Peripheral Angiogram
Nothing to eat or drink after midnight the night before the test. However, if the test is scheduled after 1:00 PM, you may drink clear liquids, like tea or apple juice (not to exceed 12 ounces) before 6:00AM on the day of the procedure.
Take your medications with a little water unless otherwise instructed by your doctor.
If you are diabetic and take Metformin, stop this medication 2 days prior to your test and 2 days after your test.
If you are diabetic and use Insulin, take ½ dose the night before the procedure and none the day of the procedure.
If you are on Coumadin, stop taking it 5 days before the procedure.
If you are on Pradaxa, stop taking it 3 days before the procedure.
If you are on Aspirin or Plavix, you must take these medications the day of your procedure.
Remember to arrange for transportation by another person after the procedure. You will not be able to drive yourself.